The Oreo Doomsday Vault
Apocalypse-Proof Packaging
The Oreo Doomsday Vault
The Oreo Doomsday Vault

There was only a 0.41% chance that Asteroid 2018VP1 would hit Earth. But that’s a chance we couldn’t take. So we built a doomsday vault in the Arctic Circle to protect Oreos from any and all future apocalypses.

5x Cannes, 10x One Show, 5x Clio, 2x D&AD

"Building The Vault" Film
"Discussion" - Behind The Scenes Clip
"Time & Polar Bears" - Behind The Scenes Clip
"Lock" - Behind The Scenes Clip
Apocalypse-Proof Packaging
Apocalypse-Proof Packaging

We filled the vault with mylar-wrapped Oreos and vials of powdered milk, designed to withstand extreme temperatures. Extra packs were sent to influencers who did whatever influencers do when they get get cool, free stuff.